Sunday, May 13, 2007

“It's fear of the unknown. The unknown is what it is. And to be frightened of it is what sends everybody scurrying around chasing dreams, illusions, wars, peace, love, hate, all that--it's all illusion. Unknown is what it is. Accept that it's unknown and it's plain sailing. Everything is unknown--then you're ahead of the game. That's what it is. Right?” -John Lennon

Some would say i'm crazy. Maybe even insane, and maybe its true. In fact, i'm starting to believe i may have lost my marbles. Today I did the unthinkable. I jumped in my car (Ked and Quinn along, of course) and started driving into the western horizon. I passed through the emptiness that is Wyoming, Around the boggling Salt Lake, over the salt flats, and into the heart of Nevada. With only a bit of money in my pocket, and a few grocery bags of food, I am determined to make it to the west coast. I'm running out of money, and fast, and i've pawned literally every electronic item I own, but, for once in my life, i've taken control of things and done what I want.
Finally i've come to realize that I have no idea what the future holds for me. But at the rate things were going, It wasn't looking so good. Something drastic needed to be done. Honestly, I'm scared. But if I don't start taking risks, and learning, i'll never end up where I want to be.

<33 Romy

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