Friday, April 11, 2008

"Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.” - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

To be fair. What exactly is the art of fairness? What makes something fair; unfair? How is one supposed to grasp the concept of what it means to be fair, when this world is full of only unfair and unjust things? Fairness, is in itself, free from bias, dishonesty, and injustice. It should be legitimately sought and pursued. I've learned, in my very short lifetime, that nothing in this world comes easy, and most everything certainly isn't fair. But, isn't a person entitled to an adequate explanation, when a decision is made, yet left unknown to the affected party? It's instances of inequity, that could be laid to rest by a simple explanation, that rip apart friendships and ruin relationships. And it's within these instances, that a damper is put upon the current state of humanity. I hope that, with time, our generation can adhere to general morals and principles, and keep a sense of integrity. This is our world; Why taint it with hate, dishonesty, and unfairness?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ashley this is Megan! I stopped by to be updated on your life. Yes, life is full of let downs and unfair situations, but...There is always a fair enough choice in every situation. Think of it like this a murderer can take a plea bargain, and receive an automatic second chance. Basically another chance to either succeed in society or again defy the laws. This world is unfair, but sometimes it is entirely too unfair to be a pessimist in every situation. Life does throw curve balls, and hopefully all of us at one time or another are in a perfect stance to hit a homerun. So no matter your worry and your woes remember their are always opportunities and choices in life. You have to follow your heart unselfishly...or you will deny yourself a ton of fun, pleasure and unfortunately disappoinment. Life is a beautiful disaster, but be grateful that you have a beautiful daughter who will love you unconditionally no matter what happens...You are a wonderful person with a unique perspective on this world but sometimes need to step back and realize that the depression you suffer from is
"What could have beens" and not what is truly important the "What lies ahead." So do please follow your dreams, but also realize that there are always going to be stumbling blocks on the way every person just has to realize how to hurdle their blocks with compassion, understanding, happiness, and patience. Always remember that you are the keeper of two peoples' dreams now. Follow yours and encourage Quinn's. Just take it slow and do not try to rush into every situation that will get you out of Greeley wait for the one that you absolutely cannot live without. You know what you truly want, and go for that don't get yourself stuck in a situation that is only mediocre to your dreams. So like I always say shoot for the stars, and don't accept the one you know is not as bright as the next one. Trust me...wisdom is starting to come...a lifetime of disappointments and unfair situations have led to this wisdom ;) So good luck baby doll I know you are made for great things... The best things happen to people that are least expecting them.
I love you Ashley always